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Our club has over 60 members, most from Pinellas, Hillsborough and Pasco counties. We welcome people of all ages. In addition to travel and hosting visitors, we have a full calendar of social and cultural activities.

Who Should Join?

This is an organization for those who like to travel and to meet new people and understand other cultures. You need to have a great acceptance of other cultures. You need to have a great acceptance or people of all cultures. You need to be willing to home host, day host, or provide a dinner at your home on occasion when we host exchange visitors. You should be able to use e-mail for club communications and, if you travel on an exchange, you must be able to get around and walk for short distances.

To Join

Membership is open to anyone who accepts Friendship Force principles and pays annual membership dues. Our new member dues are $55 for a calendar year with the submission of the Membership Application Form. See link for the Membership Application Form on the right of this page. As a member of our club, you are eligible to participate in all the travel exchanges organized by other clubs and our Friendship Force International office in Atlanta.

Our Club Organization

Committees & Appointed Positions

New members are always welcome to join one of our committees or work on a special project. You don’t have to commit a lot of time or assume a lot of responsibility. It’s a great way to get to know other Club members better and make your membership a more interesting and enriching experience. Opportunities include helping with the following:










   Journey Coordination

Membership Recruitment

We’re always looking for new members, and we hope you tell your friends about our club! You may invite potential members to attend one of our meetings or events. Or simply give their name and address to the Membership Chairperson and a brochure will be mailed to them.


We are able to provide an interesting program to your club, church group of civic organization. Tell our club president of any speaking engagements you may be able to arrange.

Join Us!

2025 Membership Application Form Print this form and mail it as directed with your annual dues.


New membership for 2025 is $55 per person and includes a FF name badge. 


Renew Membership!

An annual Friendship Force Renewal fee of $45 is due this fall. Your renewal must be received by November 30th in order to be included in the annual directory.  


Make check payable to Friendship Force Florida Suncoast, and mail to our treasurer Mair Murphy,

8313 Annwood Road, Largo, FL 33777


For more information, contact Jane Lee, Membership Chair, 727-709-9470, email

Or Karen Sherrets, President, 727-415-4404, email

Get to Know a New Member!

 Click here for profile of Dianne Hall


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